Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) & Answers About Capnote

What Is Capnote?
Capnote is a modern financial platform that uses patented technology for core function of automatically converting data into actionable financial intelligence. This saves users’ time, bridges gaps in expertise or awareness and ultimately improves productivity and decision-making. In addition to this core function, Capnote has social collaboration features and will soon have eCommerce features that will allow users to monetize their expertise and content.
Why Was Capnote Created?
Capnote was created by financial and technology professionals with over 70 years of combined professional experience. During their careers, they noticed that many financial professionals, investors or organizations do not have access to the advanced technologies they need for optimal success. For example, there are a signficant number of analytical processes that can be automated to save time and increase productivity. Technology can also be used to provide more financial education and reduce information asymmetry.
The wealthiest organizations in the world have unlimited access to technology and information. However, the mass market is underserved. Capnote is a product which aims to help the underserved mass market automate workflows and use information more productively.
What Benefits Can Users Expect?
Some of the key benefits Capnote can give its users include:
- Save time & enhance productivity by using some of the platform’s tools that automate financial analysis, report generation and data aggregation.
- Increase your awareness by using Capnote to continuously track a variety of datasets and notify you when important changes are taking place. For example, you will receive notifications in the Alerts tab for significant movements in commodity prices, changes in risk profile, upcoming events and many more.
- Collaborate and grow your network by following others, checking out their watchlist, tagging your friends and colleagues in news articles, sharing portfolios or timelines
- Earn income by monetizing your expertise and content. Keep watching this space as Capnote develops a market place for users to buy and sell data, financial reports, industry information or even their time. Coming soon!
Who Is Capnote Supposed To Be Used By?
Capnote was designed to be used by any individual or organization that regularly performs financial analysis. Power users include bankers, asset managers, wealth advisors, professional investors, students, educators and consultants. However, it is a platform that is open to all and easily accessible with free and premium tiers.
How Is Capnote Different From Other Financial Platforms
Capnote is unique in so many cool ways. However some of the major differences between Capnote and other platforms include:
- Capnote is focused on helping users with the automation of their analytical process, the personalized interpretation of data and the end use of related intelligence. Most other platforms just display raw data but do not help with the interpretation of that data in any meaningful way.
- Capnote has some unique technology, tools and visualizations. Some of which have been fully patented. For example, check out our Value Chains, Smart Watchlists, Intelligent Timelines and others.
- Capnote is a social platform that allows you to connect with friends, colleagues and experts. Why not discuss finance and investing in an environment that is better suited and has the context right there.
- Users will soon be able to earn income and points on Capnote. Watch this space!
- Organizations can use a separate instance of Capnote for their teams and clients only. They can even customize aspects of the platform to suit their standards and appetite. Reach out to us at to learn more.
What Types of Companies Can Be Found On Capnote?
Capnote currently has 13,000+ publicly listed companies from exchanges in the USA, Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Nigeria and South Africa. We are constantly adding data to the platform so keep checking it for companies of interest or send us an email to request a a region be added at
In addition, we will shortly be adding private company information and even allowing our users to create their own private company models.
Does Capnote Have Information About Private Companies?
We will shortly be adding private company information to the platform and even allowing our users to create their own private company models. You may be able to find some data on companies that were public and have been taken private. For example X (a.k.a. Twitter).
Where Does Capnote Get Data From?
Capnote gets data from a number of proprietary and third party data sources. In certain instances we provide data references on pages on the platform. We also have plans to crowd-source data from a number of pre-qualified Capnote users who can earn income for doing so. Keep watching this space! Send us an email at if you would like to become pre-qualified to source data for the platform.
Is Capnote’s Data Real Time?
Today, Capnote uses end of day prices not real time data. In the near future, we will gradually increase the frequency of update to near real-time. However the vast majority of the financial analysis we help you with does not require real time prices as this is not a trading platform.
Does Capnote Have A Mobile App?
Yes, you can find a limited version of Capnote on both the App Store & Play Store. However, not all the functionality on the desktop application will be available on the mobile app. We will gradually be adding to the mobile apps over time.
Contact us at with any questions or thoughts. We’d love to hear from you.