Enhance Productivity, Lower Costs & Reduce Risk
Finance & investing are faster and more complicated than ever before. For every financial decision, there is more data to consider, in less time. To remain competitive, financial organizations & professionals must urgently improve productivity. Research from Accenture states that the financial industry in North America can generate $140+ billion in cost savings & productivity gains through better technology for automation and augmentation. Capnote helps organizations achieve these gains.
In Financial-Processing-As-A-Service, Capnote leverages proprietary patented technology & A.I for intelligent automation. Organizations can customize Capnote to process data and automate workflows in line with their organizational preferences or risk appetite. For example, our one-click memo tool can reduce 2 weeks of financial report writing into a single click that uses your custom template. Schedule a free discovery call and read more below.

Rand Merchant Bank
Ex-Goldman Sachs Banker

Increase Your
Data Processing Bandwidth
Financial performance in the world today is directly correlated to how much data can be considered for each financial decision or action. Competing with the best requires a lot of processing power and time.
Use Capnote to increase the amount of data aggregated and processed. This reduces information asymmetry and risk. Organizations can even customize which inputs are aggregated and how outputs are generated.
One-Click Generation
Of Reports & Content
Financial professionals and organizations constantly have to create reports, memos and presentations. These can often be repetitive processes that take up a lot of time and resources.
Capnote’s one click report function is proven to save up to 2 weeks worth of time. It can even be customized to use your template and generate the reports you specify.

Custom Data Tracking & Alerts
There’s way too much data out there for any individual to track. However, financial professionals are expected to know exactly what’s happening with markets, commodities and a variety of indicators.
Use Capnote to aggregate and track the datasets that impact your prortfolio or company. Updates and alerts can be customized to be delivered multiple times per day or on an event driven basis in the format you require.
Create New Datasets & Algorithms
Combining one or more datasets is often required to create a new and more useful dataset. Doing this manually is time consuming and difficult, which can lead to errors.
Use Capnote to aggregate and process datasets to create new ones that can be delivered in the format you require. Capnote constantly does this for proprietary datasets which are available to purchase.

Automate Your Financial Processes Today
Click below to schedule a free discovery call to discuss your needs and discover how Capnote can benefit your organization.